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Macro to solve snap problem (reset origins to (0,0))

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 1:56 pm
by mariosboarina
I posted some days ago my solution to a snap problem to entities (circles centers, etc.) inside blockReferencesEntities (see post viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2319).
The problem (IMO) was I had drawings with blocks origin different (or distant) from (0,0) and this (somehow) prevented QCad to snap correctly on centers, middle points, ends, etc. of entities from outside block referencies.
I wrote down some lines to reset blocks origin in drawing to (0,0) (and of course consequentially reposition entities inside those blocks).
I post them here in developers section, hoping it might be usefull.
This is it:

Code: Select all

MyFunctionsClass.purgeBlocksOrigin = function() {
	var di = EAction.getDocumentInterface();
	var document = di.getDocument();
	var allBlocksID = document.queryAllBlocks();
	var block, oldOrigin, name, operation, blockID;
	for (var k = 0; k < allBlocksID.length; k++) {
		blockID = allBlocksID[k]
		block =  document.queryBlock(blockID);
		oldOrigin = block.getOrigin();
		// var operation = new RAddObjectOperation(block, false);
		// di.applyOperation(operation);
		name = block.getName();
		// change name (necessary for later can do a change (back to original))
		block.setName(name + "_mod");
		operation = new RAddObjectOperation(block, false);
		// requery block after applying operation (seems to be necessary...)
		block =  document.queryBlock(blockID);
		block.setOrigin(new RVector(0,0));
		// change name (back to original name): expedient for forcing origin change
		operation = new RModifyObjectOperation(block, false);
		var blockEntsID = document.queryBlockEntities(blockID);
		var subent;
		var moveVect  = new RVector (- oldOrigin.getX(), - oldOrigin.getY());
		var op = new RAddObjectsOperation()
		for (var i  = 0; i < blockEntsID.length; i++) {
			subEnt = document.queryEntity(blockEntsID[i]);
		op.apply(document, false);
P.S.: I had problems to get setOrigin() working, and I kept the first solution that worked for me: that is changing block name also: this seems to force also setOrigin() to apply its changes (otherwise it didn't); in order to mantain the original name I also had to prevously change it to some other name (for changing it back to original being a real change). Not elegant at all, but it works, hope I'll find some better way.

Re: Macro to solve snap problem (reset origins to (0,0))

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:01 pm
by Clive
I'm sure the effort you've made here will come in handy for others - well done :wink: