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Modify - Attribute

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:52 pm
by andrew
From a QCAD user:

I've noticed that the Modify - Attribute tool has disappeared in QCAD version 3. How can I for example move a bunch of objects from one layer to another or change the line type, color or line weight of selected entities?

Re: Modify - Attribute

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:55 pm
by andrew
This functionality has been replaced by extended functionality of the property editor:

1. Make sure the property editor is visible. If not, enable with View - Tool Bars - Property Editor.
2. Select entity(ies) to modify.
3. Change desired properties in property editor.
property_editor_attributes.png (27 KiB) Viewed 3849 times
With the property editor you can not only modify basic attributes such as layer, style and color but also geometrical properties or the content of texts and dimension labels.

Note that style attributes (color, linetype, lineweight) are almost always controlled through layers (By Layer) in QCAD and CAD in general.