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QCAD - 2D CAD System.

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IDCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusProgress
 649 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow To add an Array option. Closed
Task Description

To re-introduce an ‘Array’ option with Number of columns/rows and Column/row spacing.

This option could be added to the Modify tool set so - could be used with all entities, not only blocks!

Wieder einzuführen Ein ‘Array’ Option mit Anzahl der Spalten / Zeilen und Spalten / Zeilen Abstand.

Diese Option könnte der Modify Tool so eingestellt, hinzugefügt werden - konnte mit allen Stellen, nicht nur Blöcke verwendet werden!

*Please see topic:

648QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowConfigurable behavior for line patterns at weight 0.00Assigned
Task Description

A line with linestyle = dots and line weight = 0.00 appears in model space overly spaced, all other lineweights behave as expected.
Suspect other linestyles to behave in a similar fashion.

See attached drawing.

Suggested fix: use the same scaling for lineweight 0.00 as for lineweight 0.05.

 647 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Customize line type Closed
4 Task Description

I would like to get a submenu in properties to define own line types, i.e. one dash and three points or line + block.

Edit: Add support for custom line types defined in DXF / DWG files.

 646 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Is a Debian Installation possible? Closed
Task Description

Post from topic:

Re: QCAD 3 Final
by ralvejd » Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:43 pm

Yes nice news
I’m waiting for a Debian installation

645QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowInch - Layerdata / Linewight still in mm ...Assigned
Task Description

Drawing Unit is in “Inch” but the Layer Data (Line wight) is in “mm” ....

I like it ;-) ... but maybe I’m the only one :-(

 644 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Search for text Closed
Task Description

Search for a text, highlight or select (?) the result(s).

 643 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Zooming mode of operation Closed
Task Description

I just realized, that Zoom-in and Zoom-out (with the mousewheel) works different from graphical editors I know (as soon as drawing is larger than full screen).

Graphical editor (PSP X2 (and other too I think)):
Will make the position of the cursor the center of the drawing area. Thus allowing very fast to reposition the viewable area without changing into a move mode (Hand icon) and without the rulers on the left or down of the drawing area. The reposition is very handsome!
But this solution is only half way practical: If you use the wheel twice to zoom twice in sequence without moving the cursor, it will reposition the image twice - this double reposition is not practical at all, as the second reposition is rather random!

Lets the center unchanged and just zooms-in or Zooms-out.

My proposal:
- Zoom-in or Zoom-out around the current position of the cursor
- move this current position to the center of the screen
- move the cursor itself to the center of the screen (thus avoiding to shift the image again with a subsequent zoom-operation

  1. if the user uses a second zoom-op the new center remains mostly fixed. This would allow best of both solutions:
  2. but the user is free to make an other area of the drawing the new center if he actively moves the cursor again.

I think this would be very simple, intuitive and efficient to handle, reducing the need to reposition the drawing manually a lot.

Actually I think earlier version of graphical editors I used worked with were implemented that way.

I’m not an extensive CAD user. Maybe there are special requests for this type of work that are in contradiction to my idea. Maybe it would be practical to activate this type of zooming when used along with <ALT>. Hmmm - no: Allow original QCAD-zooming with <ALT>!


By the way:
Mouse right-click seems never assigned in QCAD. In Windows a user usually expects ‘Properties’ to be activated with right-click. But I think with the clever way you implemented this, there is no real need to change this. As the standard is already broken: Why not assign permanently a ‘Move’ (Hand icon) to ‘right-click’...

 642 DocumentationBug ReportLow Better explanaton for Layer '0' Closed
Task Description

Layer ‘0’ has some special function. E.g. it can not be deleted, it will contain the data of undeleted layers.

I recommend adding some explanations: Explain the function of Layer ‘0’ as third paragraph in chapter 12 of the manual. Further it should be recommended to never use this layer for drawing.

By the way: I consider this to be better than no layer undelete. BUT: is there really not way for a true layer undelete...

641QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowNo warning is displayed when lengthen tool is used with...Assigned
Task Description

Command ‘Lengthen LE’ will extend most arcs but not all (2 arcs in the attached drawing do not work)! There is no obvious reason for this from the users point of view.

 640 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Selected object dos not get printed Closed
Task Description

If an object is selected while ‘print preview’ is activated this object will be shown in preview in a special color and not printed at all.

I do see no reason for either behavior. My opinion: If it gets saved while selected it should get printed as well.

639QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowAbility to load a file of keyboard shortcutsAssigned
Task Description

It would be useful if a file of keyboard shortcuts to commands could be loaded.

Then a set of shortcuts identical/based on the Autocad keyboard shortcuts can be loaded, making it much easier for Autocad users to migrate to your product.

There does seem to be some future functionality planned here, with the shortcut ‘scheme’ selector in Program Preferences, but for the moment ‘Qcad’ is the only option available.

This strategy is used to great effect by Draftsight (but who trusts a big company like Dassault/Solidworks...)

638QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowFeature request- text find/replace functionAssigned
2 Task Description

Feature request- text string find/replace

Scope: entire drawing/selected objects set/chosenlayer only


‘find’ with ‘zoom to’, first, next, previous, last

‘replace’ with ‘next’, ‘undo’, ‘all’

This functionality is very useful when using QCad for system diagrams and the like.

637QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowViewports / View ListAssigned
Task Description

1. The Scrollbars for each window in the Viewports has the same size like the normal used scrollbars for windows. If you are working on a normal size Monitor it “steals” a lot of “working space”. Is there any possibility to make the scrollbars smaller or just a line to separate the windows so that I have to navigate with Keyboard and mouse?

2. I thing the Viewports and the View List belongs together - is it possible to get a button in the “View List / Tool Bar” to choose a Viewport style instead of “walking” the long way over the “Drawing preferences” Menu?

See also:

 636 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow 64 bit compilation Closed
Task Description


I’m using QCAD2 quite a while now and after moving from FreeBSD-i386 to FreeBSD-amd64 there are some libraries missing in the 32 bit version (libXi and some more).

I’d strongly suggest making a 64 bit compilation of the pro version. The community edition does compile and run on FBSD-amd64 very well.

Maybe ths would better be posted to the suggestion list of the upcoming version 3 ...

Thanks for attention!
see topic:

 634 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Hatches using user added hatch patterns cannot be saved Closed
Task Description

Hatches using user added hatch patterns cannot be saved.

OpenDesign error message: “Bad name for Hatch pattern”

 633 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Default file type(s) can not be inserted by Visio 2010 Closed
Task Description

The R2010 DXF and R2010 DWG formats produced by QCAD 3 RC5 cannot be opened by Visio 2010.

Error message:
Cannot open file. The file may not be a DWG or DXF file, it may not be in a supported version of the DWG file format, or it may be corrupted. Check the file and try again.


  1. QCAD 3 RC5
  2. Visio 2010 with all updates installed

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open QCAD 3 RC5 and create a basic drawing. Save using the default file types (R2010 DXF or DWG)
  2. Open Visio and create a new drawing.
  3. Go to Insert tab and click CAD Drawing. select drawing created above.
  4. Observe error message

Additional info:

  • When I use Save As in QCAD 3 RC5 and select any previous file format, Visio can insert the drawing. The problem I’m seeing with this part is that on a more complex drawing, the spacing/alignment is messed up (items aren’t in their proper spacing).

Other observations with a more complex file:

  • If I open a R2010 versioned file in Solidworks and then save it back out as a dxf file again, Visio will properly insert the drawing with correct spacing/alignment
  • If I open the file in QCAD and then save as Drawing Exchange (*.DXF) it inserts properly in Visio with correct spacing/alignment.
  • If I open the file in QCAD and then save as Drawing Exchange R12 (*.DXF) it inserts in Visio but the alignment is off (similar to problem above).

File attached for reference.


 632 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Text Höhe default in Application Preferences / Drawing  ...Closed
Task Description

Es wäre Hilfreich für eine eigene durchgängige Standardisierung die möglichkeit zu haben Default Texthöhen in den Application/ Drawing Preferences vorgeben zu können.

Perfekt wäre in meinen Augen das man drei Texthöhen vorgeben könnte wie z.B. 2.5mm, 3.5mm, 5mm die bei der Eingabe von Text (oder beim editieren) per Schalter gewählt werden könnten. Das individuelle eingeben von Texthöhen sollte aber zudem beibehalten werden.

Bei der Bemaßung kann ich dies bereits jetzt für eine Texthöhe einrichten ... ;-)

631QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption "Scale" für das öffnen von Templates ...Assigned
Task Description

Wenn ich eine Zeichnung plane überlege ich mir natürlich im Vorfeld welche Blattgröße und welchen Maßstab ich verwenden möchte.

Wenn ich Templates (z.B. Zeichnungsblatt A4) für die Blattgröße öffnen könnte und dabei direkt einen Skalierungsfaktor (z.B. 10) vorgeben könnte hätte ich ohne Umwege gleich alles was man braucht. In diesem Fall ein A4 Blatt im Maßstab 1:10.

Im Grunde genommen das selbe was ich bereits mit Library Items machen kann ... ;-)

 630 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Select entities by type Closed
Task Description

please see:

from LeoP

” What would be really useful is a method to select entities by type, rather than by location or layer.

It could have a user interface like the snap command with buttons for the entity type to select, or like the line command with a drop-down box.

This would enable one to quickly select e.g. all texts in a drawing for subsequent attribute modification. Now one has to select each text individually if the texts are scattered over the drawing and layers...”

 629 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Viewports - not retaining positions? Closed
Task Description

in Win 7-64

Hi Andrew
when I set up my default choice of viewports - say ‘Two vertical’, they do not retain either the initial starting position or indeed the position I leave them in when I reopen a drawing. On opening a new/previous drawing - always one of the viewports is at ‘almost’ full extents!
I then have to manually re-position my viewports to suit.

Is this normal behavior happening here?
It would be good if a drawing opened with persistent viewport positions held, possibly this option could be added to the ‘Layout’ Viewports dialog window?

*Out of interest, when you introduce an isometric grid in the future - will it be possible to set up a ‘Three:Right’ layout view for example and have all three viewports showing different planes - Top, Front and South East?



628QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowImprove workflow for entering tool parametersAssigned
Task Description

Provide keyboard shortcuts for options tool bar.

Under Linux, Windows Alt+Key shortcuts can be used.
Mac OS X does not seem to support this.

See also suggestions at:

 627 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Text: Falsche Info beim editieren der Formatierung ... Closed
Task Description

Grundsätzlich finde ich die Optionsauswahl beim erstellen oder editieren eines Textes im “Text Option Window” als sehr Komfortable.

Trotzdem gibt es hier für mich noch einige Ungereimtheiten die ich als Bug bezeichnen würde da es untypische Informationen liefert und verwirrt.

QCad, English, XP, Text Optionen Window:
Im linken Bereich gibt es den sogenannten “Main Font”. Dieser kann aber nicht unter Application/Drawing preferences vorgegeben werden, richtig? Hier würde ich mir wünschen das ich diesen vorgeben kann und es somit ein “Default Font” wäre. Für Bemaßungen benutze ich z.B. eine Vorgabe von 0.137795276 inch (= Deutsche DIN 3.5mm für Texthöhen) und bin Heilfroh das ich dies als Default vorgeben kann ;)

Im rechten Bereich des Text Options Windows kann ich im “Rich Text” Tab den Text formatieren - grundsätzlich eine schöne Sache.
Leider verwirrt mich dieses Fenster immer wieder:
Text erstellt, individuell formatiert(Textfonts, Höhe, Farbe), positioniert in der aktuelle Zeichnung.
Doppelklicke ich den Text um ihn zu editieren poppt das Optionsfenster auf und der Text ist markiert. Im Text font wird mir gesagt das es der Text Arial ist mit einer Höhe von 1 und schwarz. Da ich aber NICHT Arial verwendet habe und die Texthöhen unterschiedlich sind und alles in rot ist dies eine falsche Information.
Hier hätte ich erwartet: Font = *VARIES*, Höhe = *VARIES*, Farbe = *VARIES*. Klicke ich dann mit der Maus in den Text (Markierung verschwindet, Cursor blinkt im Text) habe ich immer noch die selbe Info - erst ein zweiter Klick spuckt dann die richtige Info aus.

Zurück zum Main Font: Wie nutze ich diesen wenn ich bereits andere Formatierungen verwendet habe - neu eingeben? Gutes Gedächtnis vorausgesetzt ;-) Spaß bei Seite: Sollte dies nicht eine Vorgabe sein die “auf Knopfdruck” verwendet werden kann?

Und da ich neugierig bin .... wofür ist die Option “Simple Text”?

 626 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow CAD font styles not saved (except standard) Closed
Task Description

CAD font styles not saved (except standard)

625QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDistribute block along spline, polyline, ...Assigned
1 Task Description


 624 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Line pattern scale Closed
Task Description

If we use a dash line type and set the overall linetype factor to 100 on a drawing (plan of 20metres x 20 metres approx) and then come to print it on A3, the linetype is not being scalled back from 20metres to suit the page extents.

So instead of lots of dashes we see just 2 strikes across the page. For now we set the linefactor low, which is good for printing, but now appears a solid line in the display unless we really zoom in.

 623 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow C++ plugin interface Closed
Task Description

C++ plugin interface to add functionality from existing C / C++ libraries to QCAD.

622QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDisproportianal scaling of arcs, ellipsesAssigned
Task Description

Support disproportional scaling also for arcs, ellipses, other entities, not only lines and polylines with only line segments.

 621 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Trailing cutter correction similar to Modify - Chamfer  ...Closed
Task Description

Trailing cutter correction for corners (see attached file).

‘Korrektur Schleppmesser-Offset’

620QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowoption to have horizontal dimension info using vertical...Assigned
2 Task Description

Some times I need to have the dimension info using the Vertical Dimension tool displayed horizontally.
See attached image:
Possibly this option could be added to the Label drop down menu.

 619 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Status bar - X,Y etc. input fields  Closed
Task Description

It could be very useful to have in the status bar area - input fields for typing in X and Y position, Distance and Angle etc...

For example these could be used instead of entering absolute/relative coordinates in the command line.

1.Draw line.
2.Start point - enter in X Field.
3.Next point - enter in Y Field.

This method could also be used for specifying positions when placing other entities.

For me I tend to use a combination of the command line/GUI for most work but I think for those who do not wish to use the command line this could be useful.

618QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowuser defined lineweightAssigned
2 Task Description

To have the option to set your own ‘user defined’ line weight.

617QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDifferent dimensions font sizes in the same drawing.Assigned
Task Description

Different dimensions font sizes in the same drawing.

 615 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Intersection beween an ellips and a tangent. Closed
Task Description

The intersection between an ellips and a tangent is not détected.

Using tool split 2.
When clicking on part 1 of the circle only part 1 is removed.
When clicking on part 2 of the elipse part 2 and part 3 are removed. The intersection with the tangent is not found.

614QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowBlocks - overwrite current layer yes/no ...Assigned
Task Description

I would appreciate an option for the library Browser that gives me the possibility to decide by my self to use the current (same name) layer in my drawing or overwrite it with the existing layers in the library item.

Imagine the possibility’s of this feature .... ;-)

 613 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Split entities: wrong interpretation of start angle inp ...Closed
Task Description

Split entities: start angle must be entered in degrees * 1rad (converted from degrees to rad twice)


612QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowPlot math functionsAssigned
1 Task Description


  1. X axis min/max or choose line (?) or center (for polar functions)
  2. function: y = f(x) / polar function: r = f(a)


  1. function plot
 611 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Align objects based on source / definition points Closed
Task Description

Align objects with other objects.
- Specify 1st source point
- Specify 1st target point

- Specify 2nd source point
- Specify 2nd target point

One pair of source / target points:
- Selection is moved

Two pairs of source / target points:
- Selection is moved and rotated

Three source / target points might be used to ‘tilt’ the object in addition to moving and rotating it.

 610 QCAD (main)RefactoringLow replace QMdiArea with QTabBar and QWidgetStack Closed
Task Description

QMdiChild widgets in an QMdiArea receive repaint and mouse events even if they are not active which slows down the user interface when having multiple MDI children open.

Long term, QMdiArea might have to be replaced with something else.

609QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowClean up toolAssigned
1 Task Description

To have a ‘clean up ' tool to:

- eradicate duplicate lines
- eradicate stray points
- remove empty layers
- remove unused blocks

Perhaps with an initial dialog which allows the user to choose what they want to clean up.

 607 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Warning needed Closed
Task Description

When trying to Move an object to a layer that is locked nothing happens and no warning, so it difficult to figer out what is the reason.

The same happens when the default layer is locket. No way to add an object and no warning helps to understand what is going on.

A warning message should be displayed when such a situation occurs.

May be the default layer should never be locked.

[Edit: warnings are display in the command line history]

 606 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Grid with unit 'Mil' Closed
Task Description

In version when unit mil is selected the grid choices are auto, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10
In version 3 when mil is selected the grid units are 1/128, 1/64, 1/32 ...... etc. binary.
This needs correction. I use the grid a lot when I draw so this is a high priority for me.

 605 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Print settings: show page borders, show bounding box Closed
Task Description

- Remove unused option ‘show bounding box’ - Fix ‘show page borders’ (should be ‘show paper borders’)

604QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMeasure and record X,Y coordinates tool - add to info ...Assigned
Task Description

Feature request
See topic - http://www.ribbonsoft.com/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2015

Just a thought, but one that could be useful for machinists in particular - a measurement tool that can snap to a point as per usual, but then just displays the drawing coordinates in X and Y. This could be expanded to the dimensions tool set, so that you can click on a point and print the coordinates next to it.

 603 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow SVG import straight path segments Closed
Task Description

I noticed, that paths are not fully imported into QCAD. I rewrote case “m” of “SvgImporter” like below, that way also straight line segments are drawn correctly. Case “M” should be similar:

      case 'm':
          x = ox = coords[0];
          y = oy = coords[1];
          x0 = x;
          y0 = y;
          for (k=2; k<coords.length; k+=2) {
              x += coords[k+0];
              y += coords[k+1];
              this.importLine(ox, oy, x, y);
              ox = x;
              oy = y;
 602 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow QCad 3 : Intersection between ellipses Closed
Task Description

Intersection between ellipses are not all detected.

This makes difficult difficult to make the projection as the example I give, where part of ellipses are to be removed betwwen intersection ponts.

601QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowFür Berechnungen neu zu erstellende Elemente Werte von ...Assigned
Task Description

Es wäre schön wenn ich Werte wie zum Beispiel Längen von Linien direkt abgreifen könnte um diese weiter in Berechnungen verwenden zu können.

Ich habe eine Linie konstruiert wobei sich eine Länge y ergeben hat.

Nun möchte ich eine Linie zeichnen die 5 mal y sein soll.

Linientool → Wert 5* eingeben und y durch Auswahl mit der Maus von dem vorhandenen Elements übernehmen.

Natürlich könnte ich die Geometrie Info benutzen um den Wert abzulesen oder auch über die Zwischenablage zu benutzen. Ein abgreifen mit der Maus wäre aber schneller, direkter und wahrscheinlich auch mit weniger Fehlern (Human error) verbunden. Wahrscheinlich auch genauer da QCad, denke ich, mit mehr Nachkommastellen rechnet, oder?

 600 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Library browser: adding item to favorites Closed
Task Description

System : Windows 7 64 bits French.
QT SDK 1.1.0 installed

When I right click to add an object in Favorites, the object does not happear in favorites tab.

 599 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Line tangent to ellipse with start point on minor axis Closed
1 Task Description

Line tangent to ellipse with start point on the minor axis of the ellipse produces wrong result.

598QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowSupport tangents between ellipsesAssigned
2 Task Description

To add support for drawing tangents between ellipses.

See topic:

 597 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Rechteck, Referenspunkt nicht mehr wählbar in kombinati ...Closed
Task Description

Will ich ein Rechteck mit Größenvorgabe zeichnen und kombiniere dies mit einem versetzten Relative Zero Punkt kann ich nicht mehr den Referenzpunkt (unten Links etc.) wählen und in der Vorschau sehen. Gezeichnet wird es richtig - wenn ich den Vorgang abschließen kann!

Rechteck mit Größe,
verändern Relativ Zero,
Ende eines anderen Elementes,
Relativ X,Y,
Will ich dann den Referenzpunktes des Rechtecks verändern - hat QCad Probleme dies umzusetzen oder auch den Vorgang dann flüssig durchzuführen.

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