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Show only the drawing command

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 7:41 am
by ouilogique
It would be great to have a command that allows you to see only the drawing, that is, a command that hides all the panes and toolbars. This would be very useful for those who work on a laptop with a small screen.

See also:

Re: Show only the drawing command

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:02 am
by CVH
The best place to make this request is here as a feature request:

It wouldn't be that hard to hide all toolbars and other widgets with a script.
The point is to remember what was visible and what wasn't in case you want to return. :Wink:

However, I have a problem with that.
What about the Status Bar, Options Toolbar and Command Line?
I think those are things you need even if you know all the shortcuts by heart.

Why not configure your setup as you want it with a maximized drawing area?
Most Widgets can then float when you activated them (G..).
