Q-CAM - comprehensive list of modifiable functions?

Discussions around the CAM Add-On of QCAD.

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Q-CAM - comprehensive list of modifiable functions?

Post by cave.dweller » Fri Feb 05, 2016 4:41 pm

I just asked about editing the CAM processor to output scalable code (viewtopic.php?f=74&t=3962), and Andrew showed how to modify a function that wasn't explicitly named in the CAM configuration file I was using.

I don't know anything about code, so I'll ask the question the way I'm understanding it:

Is this configuration file written with a particular type of Javascript, or a particular subset of Javascript functions that I can read about somewhere?
Or is there a different file in the Qcad installation that lists all the functions that the CAM package uses, which I could then look up and learn how to modify?
Example: for scalable Gcode, we have to "override getXCode / getYCode in (the) configuration file." These functions weren't listed in my configuration file until I added them in. So how many more functions are working behind the scenes that could also be modified in the CAM configuration file?

I'm starting to see the power ( e_surprised ) in editing the configuration code, and want to see what other changes are possible, without (hopefully, eventually) always having to ask someone else to do it for me.

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Re: Q-CAM - comprehensive list of modifiable functions?

Post by andrew » Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:51 am

cave.dweller wrote:Is this configuration file written with a particular type of Javascript, or a particular subset of Javascript functions that I can read about somewhere?
Yes, it's plain JavaScript using the Qt and QCAD APIs where appropriate. Both APIs are very extensive, Qt covering basic application functionality (GUI, XML, SQL, networking, etc) and the QCAD API covering the CAD specific stuff.
Or is there a different file in the Qcad installation that lists all the functions that the CAM package uses, which I could then look up and learn how to modify?
QCAD/CAM configurations are typically derived from GCode (GCode.js) which lists all the functions relevant for G-Code output.

Here's the latest version of GCode.js with some added comments:
 * Include definition of class CamExporter from QCAD/CAM plugin:

 * Constructor of class GCode. This is the base class for all G-Code derived configurations.
function GCode(documentInterface, newDocumentInterface) {
    // call constructor of base class 'CamExporter':
    CamExporter.call(this, documentInterface, newDocumentInterface);

    this.toolPosition = GCode.ToolPosition.Up;
    this.alwaysWriteGCode = false;
    this.g = undefined;
    this.gPrev = undefined;
    this.i = undefined;
    this.j = undefined;
    this.f = undefined;
    this.fPrev = undefined;
    this.side = undefined;
    this.sidePrev = undefined;

    // these need to be undefined to make sure the first move is written even if it's to 0,0:
    this.x = undefined;
    this.xPrev = undefined;
    this.y = undefined;
    this.yPrev = undefined;
    this.z = undefined;
    this.zPrev = undefined;

    this.lineNumber = 10;
    this.separator = " ";
    this.decimals = 3;
    this.trailingZeros = false;
    this.forceSign = false;
    this.useComma = false;

    this.globalOptions = "GCode";
    this.layerOptions = "GCodeLayer";
    this.absoluteIJ = false;

 * Configuration 'GCode' is derived from class 'CamExporter'. All configurations
 * _must_ be (indirectly) derived from this class to be valid:
GCode.prototype = new CamExporter();

GCode.Mode = {
    Rapid : 0,
    Normal : 1,
    CircularCW: 2,
    CircularCCW: 3

GCode.ToolPosition = {
    Clear : 0,
    Up : 1,
    Down : 2

 * Initializes the widget with global options (top-right of the CAM 
 * export dialog).
 * \param w The widget containing all the option controls (line edits, 
 * combo boxes, etc)
GCode.prototype.initGlobalOptionWidget = function(w) {
    switch (w.objectName) {
    case "ZSafety":
        w.addItems(["200", "150", "100", "50"]);
    case "ZClear":
        w.addItems(["1", "2", "3"]);
    case "ZCutting":
        w.addItems(["-1", "-2", "-3"]);
    case "Feedrate":
        w.addItems(["100", "200", "300"]);

 * Initializes the widget with layer specific options (bottom-right of 
 * the CAM export dialog).
 * \param w The widget containing all the option controls (line edits, 
 * combo boxes, etc)
GCode.prototype.initLayerOptionWidget = function(w) {
    switch (w.objectName) {
    case "ZCutting":
        w.addItems(["default", "-1", "-2", "-3"]);
        w.currentText = "default";

 * \return The value of the global option with the given name or the given 
 * default value if that option is not available.
GCode.prototype.getGlobalOption = function(name, def) {
    return this.document.getVariable("Cam/" + name, def);

GCode.prototype.getLayerOption = function(name, def) {
    var entity = this.getEntity();
    if (isNull(entity)) {
        return def;

    // layer specific value:
    var layerId = entity.getLayerId();
    var layer = this.document.queryLayer(layerId);
    if (isNull(layer)) {
        return def;

    return layer.getCustomProperty("QCADCAM", "Cam/" + name, def);

 * \return Array of file extensions which can be used for the exported file.
 * The user can choose the desired extension when exporting a gile.
GCode.prototype.getFileExtensions = function() {
    return ["nc"];

 * \return G-Code for linear rapid movements.
GCode.prototype.getRapidMoveCode = function() {
    return "G00";

 * \return Text string to be appended to lines with rapid moves.
GCode.prototype.getRapidMoveCodePostfix = function() {
    return "";

 * \return G-Code for linear movements.
GCode.prototype.getLinearMoveCode = function() {
    return "G01";

 * \return Text string to be appended to lines with linear moves.
GCode.prototype.getLinearMoveCodePostfix = function() {
    return "";

 * \return G-Code for clockwise circular movements.
GCode.prototype.getCircularCWMoveCode = function() {
    return "G02";

 * \return Text string to be appended to lines with clockwise circular moves.
GCode.prototype.getCircularCWMoveCodePostfix = function() {
    return "";

 * \return G-Code for counter-clockwise circular movements.
GCode.prototype.getCircularCCWMoveCode = function() {
    return "G03";

 * \return Text string to be appended to lines with counter-clockwise circular moves.
GCode.prototype.getCircularCCWMoveCodePostfix = function() {
    return "";

 * \return First word to be output per line, usually a number code.
GCode.prototype.getLineNumberCode = function() {
    if (isNull(this.lineNumber)) {
        return "";

    var ret = sprintf("N%d", this.lineNumber);
    this.lineNumber += 10;
    return ret;

 * \return G-Code to specify X coordinate for the given value.
GCode.prototype.getXCode = function(value) {
    var v = value;
    if (this.getIncrementalXYZ() && !isNull(this.xPrev)) {
        v -= this.xPrev;
    return "X" + this.formatNumber(v);

 * \return G-Code to specify Y coordinate for the given value.
GCode.prototype.getYCode = function(value) {
    var v = value;
    if (this.getIncrementalXYZ() && !isNull(this.yPrev)) {
        v -= this.yPrev;
    return "Y" + this.formatNumber(v);

 * \return G-Code to specify Z level for the given value.
GCode.prototype.getZCode = function(value) {
    var v = value;
    if (this.getIncrementalXYZ() && !isNull(this.zPrev)) {
        v -= this.zPrev;
    return "Z" + this.formatNumber(v);

 * \return G-Code to specify I coordinate for the given value.
GCode.prototype.getICode = function(value) {
    return "I" + this.formatNumber(value);

 * \return G-Code to specify J coordinate for the given value.
GCode.prototype.getJCode = function(value) {
    return "J" + this.formatNumber(value);

 * \return String representing the given number 
 * (e.g. "1.235" for a value of 1.234567).
GCode.prototype.formatNumber = function(value) {
    var format;
    if (this.forceSign===true) {
        format = "%+.%1f".arg(this.decimals);
    else {
        format = "%.%1f".arg(this.decimals);

    // sprintf2 supports sign, trailing zeros:
    var ret = sprintf2(format, value);
    if (this.useComma===true) {
        ret = ret.replace(".", ",");

    if (this.trailingZeros===false) {
        // strip trailing zeros ('1.000' -> '1'):
        ret = RMath.trimTrailingZeroes(ret);

    return ret;

 * \return G-Code to specify F (feedrate change) for the given value.
GCode.prototype.getFCode = function(value) {
    if (!isNumber(value)) {
        return undefined;

    return sprintf("F%d", value);

 * \return G-Code to specify tool radius compensation for the given side value 
 * (RS.LeftHand for G41, RS.RightHand for G42 or RS.NoSide for G40).
GCode.prototype.getSideCode = function(value) {
    if (value===RS.LeftHand) {
        return "G41";
    else if (value===RS.RightHand) {
        return "G42";
    else if (value===RS.NoSide) {
        return "G40";
    else {
        return undefined;

 * \return Z level to be used to retreat to safety level.
GCode.prototype.getSafetyZLevel = function() {
    return parseFloat(this.getGlobalOption("ZSafety", 100.0));

 * \return Z level to be used to retreat for rapid moves.
GCode.prototype.getToolUpLevel = function() {
    return parseFloat(this.getGlobalOption("ZClear", 2.0));

 * \return Z level to be used for cutting.
 * May depend on current layer, current entity, etc.
GCode.prototype.getToolDownLevel = function() {
    var docValue = parseFloat(this.getGlobalOption("ZCutting", -1.0));
    return parseFloat(this.getLayerOption("ZCutting", docValue));

 * \return Current feedrate value. 
 * May depend on current layer, current entity, etc.
GCode.prototype.getFeedrate = function() {
    return parseFloat(this.getGlobalOption("Feedrate", 200));

 * \return True if tool is currently up, laser is off, water jet is off, etc. 
 * False otherwise.
GCode.prototype.toolIsUp = function() {
    this.g = GCode.Mode.Rapid;
    this.toolPosition = GCode.ToolPosition.Up;

 * \return True if tool is currently down, laser is on, water jet is on, etc. 
 * False otherwise.
GCode.prototype.toolIsDown = function() {
    this.g = GCode.Mode.Normal;
    this.toolPosition = GCode.ToolPosition.Down;

 * Writes the line(s) to stop cutting and moving the tool up, switching laser off, etc.
GCode.prototype.writeToolUp = function() {
    this.g = GCode.Mode.Rapid;
    this.z = this.getToolUpLevel();
    this.toolPosition = GCode.ToolPosition.Up;
    if (this.feedRateSet!==true) {
        var f = this.getFeedrate();
        if (isNumber(f)) {
            this.writeLine(undefined, "F" + Math.round(this.getFeedrate()));
    else {

 * Writes the line(s) to start cutting and moving the tool down, switching laser on, etc.
GCode.prototype.writeToolDown = function() {
    this.g = GCode.Mode.Normal;
    this.z = this.getToolDownLevel();
    this.toolPosition = GCode.ToolPosition.Down;

 * Writes the line(s) to move to the given Z level using a rapid movement.
GCode.prototype.writeRapidZMove = function(z) {
    this.g = GCode.Mode.Rapid;
    this.z = z;

 * Writes the line(s) to move to the given Z level using a movement with the current feedrate.
GCode.prototype.writeZMove = function(z) {
    this.g = GCode.Mode.Normal;
    this.z = z;

 * Writes the line(s) to move rapidly to the given coordinate.
GCode.prototype.writeRapidLinearMove = function(x, y) {
    if (!this.gotXMove(x) && !this.gotYMove(y)) {

    this.writeBeforeRapidLinearMove(x, y);

    // force tool up before Rapid move:
    if (this.toolPosition !== GCode.ToolPosition.Up && this.toolPosition !== GCode.ToolPosition.Clear) {

    this.g = GCode.Mode.Rapid;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

    this.writeAfterRapidLinearMove(x, y);

 * Writes the line(s) before moving rapidly to the given coordinate.
GCode.prototype.writeBeforeRapidLinearMove = function(x, y) { };

 * Writes the line(s) after moving rapidly to the given coordinate.
GCode.prototype.writeAfterRapidLinearMove = function(x, y) { };

 * Called before cutting starts (before G01, G02, G03).
 * Expected to move tool down, switch laser on, etc.
GCode.prototype.prepareForCutting = function() {
    // force tool down before normal move:
    if (this.toolPosition !== GCode.ToolPosition.Down) {
        // force tool up before tool down:
        if (this.toolPosition !== GCode.ToolPosition.Up) {

 * Writes the line(s) for a linear move (G01) to the given coordinate.
GCode.prototype.writeLinearMove = function(x, y) {

    this.g = GCode.Mode.Normal;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

 * Writes the line(s) for a circular move (G02, G03) to the given coordinate.
 * \param center Center of arc.
 * \param radius Radius of arc.
 * \param startAngle Start angle of arc in rad.
 * \param endAngle End angle of arc in rad.
 * \param isLarge True if te arc sweep is larger than 180 degrees.
 * \param isReversed True if arc is clockwise (reversed).
GCode.prototype.writeCircularMove = function(x, y,
    center, radius,
    startAngle, endAngle,
    isLarge, isReversed) {


    if (isReversed) {
        this.g = GCode.Mode.CircularCW;
    else {
        this.g = GCode.Mode.CircularCCW;

    if (this.absoluteIJ) {
        this.i = center.x;
        this.j = center.y;
    else {
        this.i = center.x - this.x;
        this.j = center.y - this.y;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

 * Writes the header of the exported file (initialization, etc).
GCode.prototype.writeHeader = function() {
    this.toolPosition = GCode.ToolPosition.Clear;

 * Writes the footer of the exported file.
GCode.prototype.writeFooter = function() {
    this.toolPosition = GCode.ToolPosition.Clear;

 * \return True if the given mode (G00, G01, G02) is different from the current mode.
 * Always returns true if this.alwaysWriteGCode is true.
GCode.prototype.gotModeChange = function(m) {
    return this.alwaysWriteGCode || (isNull(this.gPrev) && !isNull(m)) || (!isNull(m) && this.gPrev!=m);

 * \return True if the given X position is different from the current X position.
GCode.prototype.gotXMove = function(x) {
    return (isNull(this.xPrev) && !isNull(x)) || (!isNull(x) && !this.fuzzyCompare(x, this.xPrev));

 * \return True if the given Y position is different from the current Y position.
GCode.prototype.gotYMove = function(y) {
    return (isNull(this.yPrev) && !isNull(y)) || (!isNull(y) && !this.fuzzyCompare(y, this.yPrev));

 * \return True if the given Z position is different from the current Z position.
GCode.prototype.gotZMove = function(z) {
    return (isNull(this.zPrev) && !isNull(z)) || (!isNull(z) && !this.fuzzyCompare(z, this.zPrev));

//GCode.prototype.gotZUpMove = function(z) {
//    return this.gotZMove(z) && z>this.zPrev;

 * \return True if the given feedrate is different from the current feedrate.
GCode.prototype.gotFeedrateChange = function(f) {
    return (isNull(this.fPrev) && !isNull(f)) || (!isNull(f) && f!==this.fPrev);

 * \return True if the given side is different from the current side for tool radius compensation.
GCode.prototype.gotSideChange = function(side) {
    return (isNull(this.sidePrev) && !isNull(side)) || (!isNull(side) && side!==this.sidePrev);

 * \return Layer ID of layer for rapid moves visualizations in output document.
GCode.prototype.getCamLayerId = function() {
    if (this.duringRapidMove===true) {
        return CamExporter.prototype.getCamLayerId.call(this);

    return this.createLayer("cut at " + this.getToolDownLevel(), new RColor("white"));

 * \return String consisting of given line and string, separated by this.separator.
GCode.prototype.append = function(line, str) {
    if (isNull(str) || str.length===0) {
        return line;

    if (line.length===0) {
        return str;
    else {
        return line + this.separator + str;

 * Writes the next line of the file or the given custom line with line nummer.
 * \param custom string (optional) custom line contents
 * \param append string (optional) append to line contents
GCode.prototype.writeLine = function(custom, append) {
    var line = "";

    if (!isNull(custom)) {
        line = this.getLineNumberCode();
        line = this.append(line, custom);
        CamExporter.prototype.writeLine.call(this, line);

    var gotModeChange = this.gotModeChange(this.g);
    var gotXMove = this.gotXMove(this.x);
    var gotYMove = this.gotYMove(this.y);
    var gotZMove = this.gotZMove(this.z);
    var gotFeedrateChange = this.gotFeedrateChange(this.f);
    var gotSideChange = this.gotSideChange(this.side);

    // nothing to do:
    if (this.g!==GCode.Mode.CircularCW && this.g!==GCode.Mode.CircularCCW &&
        !gotXMove && !gotYMove && !gotZMove && !gotFeedrateChange) {

    line = this.getLineNumberCode();

    switch (this.g) {
    case GCode.Mode.Rapid:
        if (gotModeChange) {
            line = this.append(line, this.getRapidMoveCode());
    case GCode.Mode.Normal:
        if (gotModeChange) {
            line = this.append(line, this.getLinearMoveCode());
    case GCode.Mode.CircularCW:
        line = this.append(line, this.getCircularCWMoveCode());
    case GCode.Mode.CircularCCW:
        line = this.append(line, this.getCircularCCWMoveCode());

    if (gotXMove || this.g===GCode.Mode.CircularCW || this.g===GCode.Mode.CircularCCW) {
        line = this.append(line, this.getXCode(this.x));

    if (gotYMove || this.g===GCode.Mode.CircularCW || this.g===GCode.Mode.CircularCCW) {
        line = this.append(line, this.getYCode(this.y));

    if (gotZMove) {
        line = this.append(line, this.getZCode(this.z));

    if (this.g===GCode.Mode.CircularCW || this.g===GCode.Mode.CircularCCW) {
        line = this.append(line, this.getICode(this.i));
        line = this.append(line, this.getJCode(this.j));

    if (gotSideChange && this.g!==GCode.Mode.Rapid && (gotXMove || gotYMove)) {
        var sideCode = this.getSideCode(this.side);
        if (!isNull(sideCode)) {
            line = this.append(line, sideCode);
            this.sidePrev = this.side;

    if (gotFeedrateChange) {
        var fCode = this.getFCode(this.f);
        if (!isNull(fCode)) {
            line = this.append(line, fCode);
            this.fPrev = this.f;

    switch (this.g) {
    case GCode.Mode.Rapid:
        line = this.append(line, this.getRapidMoveCodePostfix());
    case GCode.Mode.Normal:
        line = this.append(line, this.getLinearMoveCodePostfix());
    case GCode.Mode.CircularCW:
        line = this.append(line, this.getCircularCWMoveCodePostfix());
    case GCode.Mode.CircularCCW:
        line = this.append(line, this.getCircularCCWMoveCodePostfix());

    if (!isNull(append)) {
        line = this.append(line, append);

    CamExporter.prototype.writeLine.call(this, line);

    this.xPrev = this.x;
    this.yPrev = this.y;
    this.zPrev = this.z;
    this.gPrev = this.g;

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